Updates and New Shows and Merch (Oh My)

It’s been a little quiet on the news feed, but rest assured, the cast and crew of Pariah have been hard at work!

First things first, the Season 2 finale of The Marksbury Incident is still in production. The cast members are all feeling okay, but are focusing on catching up on life. That will always be a priority for us. We will keep updates coming as we know more.

But while you wait for that, check out our new show, Martini Mansion! This is Pariah’s first nonfiction podcast, hosted by Nancy and Krista as they discuss their lives and the various shenanigans that come with community theater, along with some special guests. Martini Mansion will be released non-regularly, so be sure to keep an eye out!

Speaking of, those of you who follow us on Twitter (When Elon Musk stops deadnaming his own child, I’ll stop deadnaming his website) or Facebook may have heard about one more upcoming podcast written by Alli Drust, The Barricade. That’s right, we’re MCUing this. The Barricade is Part Two of The Atlas Saga, and a spin-off of The Marksbury Incident. Expect to see a lot of new faces, and a few you might recognize. Rehearsals are in progress, and it’s gonna be great.

And hey! It’s December! Need something for the holidays? Check out our official merch! Well, most of it. Here’s the thing.

Currently, we sell through Redbubble. Maybe you’ve heard, maybe you haven’t, but they’ve gone downhill in both quality and when it comes to paying artists. For the moment, I highly suggest not buying shirts though them. Everything else, go for it, since I don’t have a way to make those. But if you’re specifically looking for a shirt, shoot us an email at contactpariahproductions@gmail.com with the design you want. We will make it in-house for less than what Redbubble charges. We hope to eventually make everything ourselves, but I’m going to be moving this coming year, so I’m not going to buy all the supplies and then have to lug it cross-country. We’ll get there.


The Marksbury Incident: Season 2